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Using mycelium and, for example, wood chips, you can make a nice bio-composite. US company Ecovative uses it for packaging material, for example. The angular object is a fragment of this. The shape is created by letting the mycelium and wood chips, once the roots of the fungi have grown sufficiently, continue to grow in a mould. Jurjen investigated whether you can also use it to dampen sound - the round object is a sample of a home-grown acoustic panel. The answer is yes, that is, if you take the slow growing process for granted. The growth of a mycelium preculture into a full mould takes about a week and a half. Anyway, this slowness provides plenty of time to dwell on the fascinating properties of mycelium. To name a few: it arises from a living organism, mushrooms grow from it as a bonus and it has the intelligence to create a velvety, water-repellent coating once exposed to the outside air.

object of Jurjen

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