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bio-based material: blow up scale-up

lucas van der wee

On the fourth day of our Green Week, Jan-Willem van de Groep stopped by. He gave a compelling presentation on the much-needed scale-up of bio-based materials.

If everyone were as energetic, enterprising and inspired as Jan-Willem van de Groep, we could certainly succeed in achieving the climate goals of 'Paris'. Lately Jan-Willem has been using his knowledge and experience mainly for government programs. Among other things, he previously took the initiative for Stroomversnelling, aimed at innovation in the construction sector and housing corporations, and he is co-founder of Factory Zero, a company that produces energy modules.

scaling up
Jan Willem is currently working for the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality on a program to stimulate, accelerate and scale up bio-based building. With 'Gideon, Building Transition Tribe' he wants to encourage a transition movement, by helping not only the producers, but also the frontrunners in the building industry to scale up more quickly. In which it is just as important that architects and suppliers then know how to find each other.

It was a bit of preaching to the choir, at cepezed: we want what Jan-Willem wants. But he put us on edge again, see the presentation below

Would you like to know more about cepezed's vision on sustainability and our Green Week? Read the interview with Tatjana Anholts here.

lucas van der wee
lucas van der wee
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