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June 4, day of the railroad zone: will you be there?

lucas van der wee

On Sunday, June 4th, the Day of the Spoorzone in Tilburg is organized. Visitors can see what the Railroad Zone Tilburg has to offer, how the area has changed and how this part of the city will still develop in the coming years. There are plenty of activities including interesting tours.

developments spoorzone
Within the transformation of the entire railroad zone, the public transport hub was drastically renewed. In close cooperation with ProRail and the municipality of Tilburg, cepezed, together with Atelier Quadrat, took a signifcant role designing the transformation. The monumental station building was renovated and a new bus station was built. The station now functions as a public connection between the city centre and the neighborhoods at the North side of the station. Comfortable, state of the art bicycle parking facilities were constructed on both sides. The final step of cepezed's contribution to the development is the realization of a new, extra train platform.

guided tour
Together with ProRail and Dura Vermeer Railinfra, the architects of cepezed will tell you all about the designs during a guided tour. In 45 minutes you will be taken around and through the entire public transport hub and it's surroundings. The tours start at 14:00 and 15:00 from LocHal.

For an overview of activities on Railroad Zone Day, check the Tilburg Railroad Zone website.

For more information about the project click here

Lucas van der Wee
Lucas van der Wee
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