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Dark 'boxes' are the question, light archives the answer

lucas van der wee

An archive is often dense and dark, but not at cepezed. At the Spanish congress 'Archivos en contexto', Paddy Sieuwerts talks about the energy-efficient and daylight-rich archive buildings that cepezed designed.

From 15-17 March, Spanish archivists gathered in Seville for the congress 'Archivos en contexto' (archives in context). The five main themes of the congress were adaptation, collaboration, visibility, education and sustainability. Paddy Sieuwerts gave an invited lecture on the latter. During his presentation, the Stadsarchief Depot Noord in Amsterdam and Collectiecentrum Nederland (CCNL) in Amersfoort, among others, passed in review.

Despite the closed character that an archive function inevitably demands, cepezed manages to design inviting buildings. The buildings are open where possible, like in the plinth of the EYE Collection Centre. At CCNL, daylight falls far into the office part of the building from patios and transparent dividing walls give insight into the restoration studios.

very energy-efficient
CCNL's depot is actually closed. In terms of installations, this building section is disconnected from the offices, studios and photo studio. A very thick outer shell and a connection to the ground ensure a slow temperature gradient. Artworks can withstand differences in temperature, as long as they are not too sudden. In our archive designs, the roofs and facades are used for pv panels as much as possible. Depot Noord is even energy-neutral.Other spearheads in cepezed's archive designs are logical routing and safe internal transport.

Other key elements in cepezed's archive designs are logical routing and safe internal transport.

lucas van der wee
Lucas van der Wee
lucas van der wee
lucas van der wee
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