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Golden AAP Anniversary Award: vote for circular Temporary Court Amsterdam

jannes linders

15 years ago the Amsterdam centre for architecture Arcam initiated the Gouden AAP, a local prize for architecture. On June 19 an anniversary award will be handed out. Like all previous winners, the Temporary Court Amsterdam has a chance of winning the honourable title of Best Amsterdam Building Of The Past 15 Years. Please vote for this exemplary circular project.

preventing waste
Between 2017 and 2022 the Temporary Court Amsterdam served as a temporary home for the Amsterdam judicial system, while a new court building was being constructed at the Parnassusweg. The requirements of the client, the Rijksvastgoedbedrijf (RVB), were strict. “We wanted to avoid wasting a lot of material and money”, says former RVB project manager Louise Attema in a video by government agency RVO. The RVB also set high requirements on the quality of the building and on its appearance.

unique building
Arend van de Beek of ‘remolition’ company Lagemaat BV calls the building unique because it was designed to be dismantled. Lagemaat is responsible for the carefully dismantling of the building and will have it rebuilt at Kennispark Twente, where it will serve as a business centre. The layout is flexible and will be adapted to the new usage, the cell blocks for example will disappear.

2,000 tonnes CO2 savings
Because the relocation saves 2,000 tons of CO2, cepezed's design is currently regarded as a circular model project. Detachable buildings such as these contribute to a circular economy and do not influence the public space and landscape in a permanent manner.

award as a circular compliment
As a winner of the Gouden AAP 2017, the Temporary Court Amsterdam already is one of the best buildings in the city. And soon, this exemplary building will serve Enschede. According to cepezed, the title of Best Amsterdam Building Of The Past 15 Years would be a ‘circular compliment’, as well as a stimulus for rethinking the (future) possibilities in a circular economy.

vote now
The winner will be announced on the National Day of Architecture on June 19 at 17.00 hours at Arcam. Vote for the Temporary Court Amsterdam - 2017 now (voting is possible until June 19, 16.00 hrs).

cepezed | léon van woerkom
léon van woerkom | cepezed
léon van woerkom | cepezed
jannes linders
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