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revitalisation of Universe building into circular and sustainable government offices


Construction company J.P. van Eesteren, together with architectural firm cepezed, emerged as the winner in the public tender to transform the former KPN office ‘Universe’ in The Hague into modern and sustainable office space for the central government. The plan of action with the ambition to realise no waste of existing materials during the renovation, coupled with a future energy consumption below ‘Paris Proof standard’, was the decisive factor. Completion of the building with more than 1,100 workplaces is scheduled for spring 2027. This is a ‘design & build’ contract.

Universe - located in the Binckhorst business park - is a building from 2001, consisting of 11 floors, including a parking garage. It was part of the former, so-called ‘The Green Campus’, a large-scale office complex for KPN with twelve different buildings on Maanplein.

The building - accounting for some 22,000 square metres of office space and 200 parking spaces - was bought by Rijksvastgoedbedrijf in 2023 and is intended to play a role in ensuring good housing for government employees in The Hague.

Daylight and greenery

‘We focus on safe and comfortable workplaces where government employees can work, collaborate and share knowledge, with space for encounters,’ explains Ronald Schleurholts, architect-partner at cepezed. ‘Thus, daylight and greenery are important aspects of Universe's new interior, including plants and trees in the garden and in the adjacent interior space.’

In addition, there is a strong focus on sustainability and circular construction. ‘All the material released during modifications is used elsewhere in the building,’ said Marco Peppel, J.P. van Eesteren board chairman. ‘For example, we reuse façade glazing that needs to be replaced in new, bio-based interior wall systems.’

Tackling grid congestion

The project also sets a new standard in terms of energy efficiency. ‘After the revitalisation, Universe will use even less energy than the Paris Proof standard,’ continues Peppel. ‘In doing so, we are also tackling grid congestion. In a year's time, Universe may return up to 20 per cent energy to the grid. The design and new installations are therefore aimed at reducing energy demand and generating and retaining energy ourselves.’

→ read more about the project

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