Two months ago, the dismantling of the Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen began. Meanwhile, the sketch design for the theatre De Lievekamp in Oss (the site where the Zuiderstrandtheater is moving to) is ready. A lively, multi-purpose cultural centre will appear on Raadhuislaan in Oss.
cultural meeting place
Two theatres will soon be housed under one roof in Oss. The current main auditorium of Lievekamp theatre will remain on the same site and will be included in the new design. The Zuiderstrandtheater will be built on the site where the library currently stands. Together with the cultural centre Muzelinck, theatre Lievekamp will soon become the cultural meeting place for Oss.
The new cultural centre will soon have three auditoriums, a large auditorium (from the Zuiderstrandtheater), a middle auditorium (former large auditorium) and a small auditorium - also known as the 'vestzakzaal'. The vestzakzaal has space for small performances and events, both indoors and outdoors. The three auditoriums will be visually connected by a foyer spread over three floors. Furthermore, the cultural centre will have space for music studios, studio spaces and a city café with terrace, among other things.
The new design is circular and flexible. The new design is circular and flexible. Besides the shell of the Zuiderstrandtheater, as many materials as possible will be reused, including the seats and the foyer, which will be moved to Brabant. The middle auditorium will be enriched with a telescopic stand, making it a multifunctional, flexible venue.
Wanne know more about the project? Click here
More about the remounting of the Zuiderstrandtheater?
• move to circular Zuiderstrandtheater officially launched
• Looking back at very last event at zuiderstrandtheater (video and media review)
Zuiderstrandtheater becomes part of new cultural centre Oss