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Martine Bakker, architectuurhistoricus & tekstschrijver 

Martine has been working at cepezed since 2022. She is an experienced text writer, her style is clear and enthusiastic, and she doesn't forget the broader context.


Martine studied art history at Utrecht University, specializing in modern architecture. Her master's thesis was about the persuasive language of architectural manifestos. Language, architectural history and current developments in architecture remained the common thread throughout her career. Among other things, Martine made programs and exhibitions for local architecture centers, worked for thirteen years as an editor at publisher Blauwdruk and was editor of the local Utrecht architecture bulletin Post Planjer.

Martine feels attracted to cepezed's pioneering, practical idealism and the firm's own course. She combines her work at cepezed with freelance work. Among other things, she writes for ArchiNed and is on the editorial board of the yearbook Landscape Architecture and Urban Design in the Netherlands.

Martine writes about cepezed's projects and contributes input from the perspective of architectural history if it is relevant to projects. She also edits the texts for tenders. By asking many questions, there always turns out to be more to tell than meets the eye.