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Pelle Rademakers, architectural engineer 

Pelle has been working at cepezed since 2024. He is an approachable, grounded colleague who is able to put himself in the position of the various backgrounds of clients.

Pelle completed the HBO programme in architecture, where he went to the ‘rural housing studio’ in Chepcoina, Kenya, for his minor. There, he designed and built a house together with the community, as a form of community development. Back in the Netherlands, he continued his studies with the master's in Architecture in Delft. During an extra ‘fall semester’ he studied at Virginia Tech in America.

During his thesis research, Pelle designed a culinary university in Berlin. His goal was to optimally connect it to its surroundings, which he achieved through public accessibility. The design also facilitated specific needs such as food distribution and supporting functions.

Pelle appeals to cepezed's ‘efficient use of the simple and minimalist language of shape’. The future vision of prefab and demountable building also overlaps. ‘As an architect, you can take responsibility by designing buildings that can be reused in many years from now,’ says Pelle.

One project Pelle is proud of is Plus Ultra in Mainz. It is a concept that has already been implemented in Utrecht, Leiden and Amsterdam and is now being brought to Germany. The technical lab design is customisable and has a pleasant living environment. The reason Pelle feels connected to the project is that he somewhat recognises his graduation project. Both designs required high adaptability of the programme, by effectively and intelligently arranging the installations.